What are Short Term Rentals (STRs)?

    Short Term Rentals (STRs) are generally defined as rentals taking place for a period of 29 days or less that fall outside of the traditional commercial accommodations such as hotels and motels.  STRs occur in various forms of residential dwellings such as single-detached dwellings, semi-detached, apartments, etc.

    STRs can generally occur in several distinguishable ways:

    • Operator’s Residence and Operator Present: A property owner rents one or more bedrooms in the dwelling and is also present in the dwelling. This is similar to a traditional bed and breakfast.

    • Operator’s Residence and Operator Not Present: A property owner rents the entire dwelling while the dwelling is not being used, but does use the dwelling themselves. This would be similar to a traditional cottage rental when the owner may rent their cottage periodically when not using to assist with paying the “carrying costs” of the cottage.

    • Investment Real Estate: A property owner may purchase a property, with no intention of residing or using the property, but rather rents it out as an STR to generate income.

    • Multiple Dwelling Units: a property has additional dwelling units within the main building and/or detached structures and rents out one or more of the units as a STR, possibly residing in one of the units or not.

    What are benefits of STRs?

    The benefits of STRs include, but are not limited to:

    • Increased options for visitor and employment related accommodations;
    • Additional income for property owners;
    • Increased capacity for visitors, especially during peak times which broadly benefits the tourism sector;
    • An inviting, home-like atmosphere, similar to traditional bed and breakfasts; and
    • Increased Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) revenue.

    What are drawbacks of STRs?

    The drawbacks of STRs, include, but are not limited to:

    • Environmental (e.g. exceeding capacity of approved sewage/septic);
    • Parking (e.g. inadequate supply at STR);
    • Noise complaints;
    • Building Code, Fire Code and other safety concerns;
    • Housing affordability;
    • Housing availability;
    • Compatibility with existing neighbourhoods;
    • Neighbourhoods with few permanent residents and a lack of sense of community; and
    • Competition with existing traditional accommodation providers such as hotels.

    How many STRs are in Owen Sound?

    The exact number of STRs within Owen Sound is currently unknown.  Information provided by STR licensing vendors suggests that there are between 75 and 115 STRs in Owen Sound which may fluctuate month to month throughout the year.

    Does Owen Sound license STRs?

    The City of Owen Sound does not currently licence STRs.

    The STR industry continues to evolve and grow. A consultation process is underway to provide Council with feedback so that they may make a decision on how to address STRs.

    How are STR complaints addressed?

    Currently, by-law complaints relating to STRs are addressed through various regulatory by-laws such as the Noise By-law, Traffic By-law, and the Waste Management By-law.  The City’s By-law Enforcement team enforces by-laws during regular office hours and Police Services enforces by-laws outside of regular office hours.

    What options are Council considering relating to STRs?

    Option A – Status Quo (not license, use current by-laws to enforce complaints)

    Option B – Ban STRs (not permit STRs)

    Option C – Implement a Licensing Program (permit STRs and implement a licensing program)